1. Sign up for an MyBinApp account

Join our community of dedicated recyclers and make a positive impact on the environment while contributing to a sustainable future. By participating in our program, you not only help conserve resources but also have the opportunity to win exciting prizes each month.

2. Download The App

Download MyBinApp from Apple Store or Google Play store, start scanning product barcodes and that's it. The app will tell you which bin to place the packaging in and if there's any need to separate the different materials that the packaging is made out of.

3. Start recycling and earn points

Every time you recycle an item, whether it's paper, plastic, glass, or metal, you earn valuable BinApp Points. Scan packaging product barcodes before you bin them using the MyBinApp Smartphone app. Track your points on your personal dashboard and see your progress grow over time. The more items you recycle, the more points you accumulate.

4. Monthly prize draw

To reward your dedication to recycling, we hold a monthly prize draw exclusively for our active subscribers. Each month, if you score a certain number of EcoPoints, you automatically enter the draw. The more points you earn, the higher your chances of winning exciting prizes like eco-friendly home appliances, outdoor gear, or even a dream vacation.

5. Spread the word and earn bonus points

Help us expand our community and make a bigger impact by inviting your friends, family, and neighbors to join MyBinapp. For every person who signs up using your unique referral link, you'll receive bonus points. Together, we can create a network of passionate recyclers striving for a greener future.

6. Educational resources and tips

At MyBinapp, we believe that knowledge is key to fostering a sustainable lifestyle. We provide informative articles, guides, and tips on recycling best practices, waste reduction, and eco-friendly living. Stay informed and inspire others with your newfound knowledge.